Monday 29 August 2011

Summertime (same all-year round) junk TV

  I thought everyone in this country went away on holiday in August leaving the professional activities to hibernate (estivate?) until September. But I found out I'm wrong: the rattlesnakes that make a living out of discussing people's sex life on high audience-rate time TV shows do not go away. It seems they never do - these "refreshing" discussions couldn't possibly be left out of the summertime picture.

How much we all need an imaginative judge that will file a default suit against the
rattlesnakes. Some Granada-based judge, say, that does not ban the sewage-channels (that would actually favour their filthy purposes) but invites them to feature counter-reactive programmes/films such as 'Free Rainer - dein Fernseher lügt' every time the junk productions are displayed (and for as long a time as those). It shouldn't necessarily be the same measure every time: alternative ideas could be funding good films (as many as the number of junk programmes they display, say - they hate it so incredibly much!)

A sideline, good-tempered reflection on the issue: they say (THEY say) priests are keen on telling people how they should behave sexually. This is really funny. When I think about who's actually spending (wasting really) their broadcasting life discussing people sex lives, it's not precisely priests (although they get their own share of the pie, that's for sure). It's actually journalists, editorialists, pathetic TV-guests, and so forth. It's not hard to imagine what their true vocation was, ha, ha. Only they drifted somewhere along the clerical road. Ha. Ha. No wonder they're so strongly opposed to them. It's actually the same breed (and this is a real insult, no offence meant anyway).

NB.- It's not my fault if the picture seems to have been taken from a porn movie. I just turned on the TV for thirty seconds and shot with my cell phone camera. Ok, it was 11:30 pm.

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