Sunday 21 November 2010

Geopolitics: some orange lessons

Even if it's against the message in that brilliant Orange anti-Orange turn-off-your-mobile-phone Gulliver-based commercial starred by Jack Black running on film theatres these days (I saw it last night), I'm attaching this Orange ad I saw at Nairobi airport on my way out for you don't get to see this things around in Western countries.

Don't mean we should - we have more than our fair share of anxieties already as to have posts on the walls to remind we're no longer what we used to be (don't think the average person should care too much about it either).

It's just so unusual to get your geopolitics lessons from ads rather than, say, at school!

First flag from the left is by the way Uganda's - there for closeness with Kenya I guess, rather than matching India or China as emerging powers (though you never really know these days...)

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