Sunday 21 November 2010

Airports and smoking (II): Dubai International Airport, Dubai, UAE

While in trasit from Nairobi at Dubai International Airport, I figured out it would be a good chance to have a cigarrette between two six-hour flights. Dubai airport being so really luxurious, it seemed it should offer equally attractive facilities to smokers in need. However, it was not the case. After a long walk through several terminals where departures gradully changed from LHR to Jaffa, you reached a small, incredibly packed and smoky room where poor addicts somehow managed to get their dose in. The “Keep door closed at all times” sign posted at the room entrance was literally impossible to respect under serious risk of suffocation.

This gave me the idea of sarting a series of photographs on smoking rooms in airports worldwide. Not than I’m too much of a traveller anyway, but I’m around every now and then. For instance, it’s widely accepted the best smoking facilities inside an airport are those ones at Barajas airport Terminal 4 in Madrid – Spain currently remaining smoker-friendly territory (not for that long though).

So this is Dubai International Airport, where a rather numerous group of rebel smokers chose to have their cigarrettes outside a specific smoking room which lied quite distant from crowded passenger traffic areas (well it was actually 5 am so crowded is a just a way of speaking).

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